Leah Jensen is a multidisciplinary artist-maker, born in Cornwall, 1990.
Fortunate to be raised in a creative family, her education in art and making began in childhood, learning both the creative and practical applications of a broad range of materials.
In 2010 Leah began her Degree in Contemporary Crafts at Falmouth University, where she would develop a method that has since evolved to become a signature style. This process involves an image mapping technique that enables her to carve intricate geometric interpretations of Renaissance paintings into ceramic pots. The result is a work of vivid, immaculate detail as if to appear digitally manufactured, a style which Jensen playfully describes as ‘anti-digital’.
Today Leah lives in London, working from a space at Cockpit Studios. She continues to carve ceramic vessels, whilst working on a number of other projects.
For Jensen the starting point is either an idea that surfaces usually while making and daydreaming, or from a desire to use a certain material. Experimentation, sketchbook work and daydreaming are all vital steps in the progression of a project to determine the techniques and materials that will serve the idea best.