
Born in 1989 in Shimane prefecture, Ito draws inspiration from the rich environment of the mountains she visited as a child; seeing the leaves of trees wither, decompose, and return to the soil deeply influenced her.

Recreating this sense of tranquillity, she experienced during those moments is a central theme in her work today. Her interest in washi culture began as a student at Musashino Art University in 2010 when she encountered kozo fibre at a washi studio in Gokayama, Toyama prefecture.

Surrounded by the silent, snowy landscape of Toyama, she vividly remembers the beauty of the kozo fibres soaked in freezing water, evoking a sense of admiration and nostalgic familiarity with washi.

Later on, when she came across the Japanese classic Hōjōki (An Account of My Hut), those feelings became even more profound. Today Sakuho Ito continues to research and create using materials like kozo, mitsumata, ganpi, and rusted metals.

She has workshops in Yamanashi and Shimane prefectures.